
Thesis and Dissertation Information

Student Instructions for Electronic Thesis/Dissertation

Student Resources

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the College of Graduate Studies at gradschool@georgiasouthern.edu or call 912-478-2647.

Thesis/dissertation templates

  • For help inserting and removing page numbers in your manuscript using Microsoft Word please click .
  • Get feedback on writing your manuscript at the Writing Center.  To learn more about the Writing Center please click .

To load your final document please click on the link below:

Please check the  for deadlines.

To load other scholarly research into Henderson Library鈥檚 Georgia Southern Commons system, use the.

Faculty Information

Thesis/Dissertation Binding Information

Please contact Georgia Southern  for printing and binding services, including thesis and dissertation printing and binding.

Dissertation Defenses

Each semester, we provide a list of candidates in doctoral programs who will be defending their dissertations.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Electronic Theses & Dissertations Website accepts all forms of submissions, including Word Document (.doc) and PDF (.pdf).

You will receive an email when the College of Graduate Studies has reviewed your thesis/dissertation for the format check. Click on the link provided in the email to view the corrections that need to be made. The link in the email will send you to a site where you can view the requested revisions as well as revise your thesis/dissertation. Click on the 鈥淰iew decisions鈥 to see the formatting errors. The following page it directs you to shows all the decision letters that were sent about formatting errors. Click on the subject link to view the email. Click on the link after 鈥淎ttachment鈥. You will need to save the PDF to your computer to view the comments. Once you download the PDF onto your computer, open it and click on the Comment Tab in the upper right hand corner. A list of comments should appear.

The 鈥淩evise thesis/dissertation鈥 button on the left hand side of the webpage allows you to upload a new thesis/dissertation. Once you click on the 鈥淩evise thesis/dissertation鈥 button, you will be sent back to the original form that you have already filled out. Scroll down to 鈥淯pload Full Text鈥 and click on 鈥淯pload file from your computer鈥.

  • Once your thesis/dissertation has been approved for the format check by the College of Graduate Studies, your committee members must also verify your thesis/dissertation. Once all of the committee members have verified, the thesis/dissertation is sent to the library to be posted in the library repository. When it is posted in the repository, the outstanding thesis/dissertation requirements on DegreeWorks will be updated to complete.